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中秋节在什么时候过 用英文介绍中秋节6句带翻译

时间:2023-09-17 13:02:40 算命综合

摘要:这是一个团聚和感恩的时辰,人们会准备丰盛的食物,例如月饼,与家人一起分享和品尝。 它是传统节日中的一个关键组成部分,往往在农历八月十五这一天庆祝。 中秋节也是一个团圆的节日。下面大家跟着小编来了解一下中秋节在什么时候过 用英文介绍中秋节6句带翻译。








The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is an important traditional Chinese holiday.It is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar, which is usually during September or early October.

During the festival, people gather with their families to admire the bright full moon.It is believed that the moon is at its roundest and brightest during this time.In the moonlight, families enjoy delicious mooncakes and various types of fruits.Mooncakes are round pastries filled with sweet or savory fillings, symbolizing reunion and completeness.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is also a time for people to express their love and gratitude towards their loved ones.Many people travel back to their hometowns to reunite with their families.They bring gifts and share stories and laughter together under the moonlight.It is a joyous occasion filled with warmth and happiness.

One of the most popular legends associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival is the story of Chang'e, the Moon Goddess.According to the legend, Chang'e swallowed an elixir of immortality and flew to the moon, where she lives with her companion, the Jade Rabbit.On this day, people offer sacrifices to Chang'e and pray for good fortune and blessings.

Lanterns are also an important part of the Mid-Autumn Festival.People, especially children, carry and light colorful lanterns in various shapes and sizes.It creates a lively and festive atmosphere, with lanterns illuminating the streets and parks.

Besides mooncakes, another traditional food enjoyed during the festival is pomelos.Pomelos are large, citrus fruits with a thick skin and sweet, juicy flesh.They are often given as gifts and eaten during the celebrations, symbolizing good luck and prosperity.

In modern times, the Mid-Autumn Festival has evolved into a cultural and social event.Many communities organize lantern parades, performances, and cultural activities for everyone to enjoy.It is a time for people to appreciate the beauty of the moon, cherish their relationships, and celebrate the abundance of life.

In conclusion, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a cherished Chinese tradition.It is a time for families and friends to come together, enjoy the moon's splendor, indulge in delicious food, and strengthen their bonds.It is a festival full of love, gratitude, and happiness.




中秋节在什么时候过 用英文介绍中秋节6句带翻译









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