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时间:2023-06-08 15:40:59 相术综合






除了耳朵以外,属火的五官还有许多明显的特征。火行的人通常五官比较鲜明,面目清瘦,较少肥胖情况出现,五官立体感强,尤其是眼睛。 眼睛在面相学中被认为是情感的窗口,而火行人的眼睛通常很有神,清澈而明亮。另外,在五官之中,火行人的嘴巴也比较特别。如此性格极易接受挑战并不怕考验的人,常常诚实、积极面对面临的现实,同时也非常尊重别人的意见。




Generally speaking, five-element fire ear look persona signifies great fortune and wealth. The ears of people belonging to the fire element are usually small, red or deep pink and the lobes are also more prominent. The ear wheels are thick and tough and are a sign of a decent childhood background and the potential for economic success in the adult life. Fire ears give an impression of an energetic person with a sharp mind, quick reflexes and high intellect.

Fire element ears also tend to feel warm to the touch and they are not too cold during winters. Fire personality types are also described as having a keen intellect and a lively spirit. Their lobes are protruding and they are characterized as being sincere and easy-going in interpersonal relationships.

Apart from the ears, the other facial features of a fire element persona are also very distinct. They have prominent facial features and sharp features that are indicative of a slender face, and they rarely get overweight. The eyes are particularly striking and clear as they are believed to express their emotions. The mouth is also a very prominent feature, as it reflects a confident character that is not afraid of challenging situations.

In terms of body type, fire element personalities are often tall or have a slender build due to genetic factors. They have a very strong and masculine presence in their physique. Their skin is also usually flush and bright, which makes them very attractive to others. Such a personality type often has an active and energetic lifestyle and is very suited to warmer climates as their hands and feet are also warm.


标签:五行为火的首饰 属于火的五行可以佩戴什么饰品好 五行属火的首饰材质


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